Why Rescreening Employees is Crucial for Business Safety

Most businesses know the critical need to conduct pre-employment background checks. Most job seekers’ resumes, applications, and references contain false information. Over 5 percent of all candidates had a criminal record within the previous seven years. This is not news to most companies, but it is still worth mentioning.

Many businesses, however, overlook an equally important step in ensuring safe hiring practices: current rescreening personnel. According to studies, only around a third of firms rescreen current employees. Only 39% of businesses conduct additional background checks on existing employees with a status change, whether horizontally or vertically within the organization.

But why is it so necessary to rescreen existing employees? Every firm should choose Tracepoint for the primary reasons:

Building a solid brand and reputation in the marketplace

To show your dedication to customer and staff safety, you may include best practices for safe hiring and workplace safety in your marketing efforts. This marketing approach will help you stand out from the competition by increasing your market share, safeguarding it from rivals, reducing your risk of data breaches and legal action, and creating favorable press for your firm.

Employee Safety is Protected

As a business owner, you are responsible for keeping the workplace safe. As previously stated, you may have an employee with a spotless criminal record when recruited but later convicted of significant crimes. Running regular rescreens on current workers to ensure that your workplace is a safe, pleasant, and non-violent atmosphere is a bright idea to safeguard the safety of your other employees. If a violent event happens at your business, you might be held responsible for failing to follow basic safety standards.

Many sectors have standards and recommendations for how frequently companies should rescreen personnel and specific roles deemed sensitive or high-risk and require more frequent screening. Judges have proven in recent instances that they can go either way when assessing how much responsibility for workplace safety lies on the employer to screen and rescreen personnel.

Client safety is a priority.

Client safety is a priority. This is for two reasons. Conducting a pre-employment background investigation to check for criminal past is a good start, so how can you be confident that your employees still have not been charged with anything recently? You may be unwittingly entrusting your company’s money, reputation, and the safety of your clients and other workers to people with significant criminal records. Second, with security flaws and database hacks becoming more common, you must verify all your company’s critical data is kept in the safest, most secure location possible.

Changes in career outcomes

Employers should have policies requiring them to rescreen personnel anytime their employment status occurs. This might be due to a transfer to a different department, a shift in duties, or even a sabbatical.

As an aspect of an employee inquiry

When an employee’s conduct changes after being hired, there are often possible hazards; when an organization should have known about an employee’s possibly harmful actions yet kept that individual working, it might be held personally responsible for improper retention.

Following an acquisition, employees must be rescreened

Background screening standards differ by sector and organization; businesses must be aware of the threat to newly hired employees. It’s difficult to overestimate the value of learning everything there is to know about different workers, including their professional careers.

Companies should have a uniform employment BPSS screening policy throughout their workforce to safeguard themselves from compliance concerns. Criminal record checks and drug and health screenings are the most commonly repeated background checks. Many sectors, mainly financial services, depend on workforce tracking and rescreening. Even the most excellent workers might have tragic life circumstances that significantly influence their employee productivity or engage in criminal conduct.