Successful Strategies for Implementing Hybrid Work

What would you choose: a home office or an office? It is a difficult question because both offer advantages and for many, it is impossible to decide on one of the two options—but it is also optional. Hybrid working is the flexible form that, according to a survey, around 41 percent of people who work remotely want.

In this article, we will discuss hybrid working in detail. We will show you advantages, models, and proven strategies for a successful implementation.

Hybrid work – what is that?

hybrid means “composed of different things from two different origins.” Hybrid work (or “hybrid work”) is an approach to the New Work concept and describes a mixture of home office or remote work and on-site work in the office in the working world. There are different models of time and place, which can be combined and thus individually adapted.

Different models of hybrid work

There are many different variations of hybrid work. Not only is the place of work a variable that can change, but also the working hours. For a better overview, here is a summary:

Place of work

  • Office First: The standard is to work on-site. In exceptional cases, work is done remotely or in the home office.
  • Synchronous hybrid: Working remotely is possible on a few specified days
  • Static hybrid: Work is done in the office on fixed days
  • Fully flexible: The workplace can be reselected every day
  • Home office: The employees work in the home office and are only in the office in exceptional cases

Working hours

  • Fix: This is the classic 9-to-5 job (although the start and end of work can, of course, also differ here)
  • Partially flexible: With flextime or core time, it is possible to make working hours more flexible.
  • Fully flexible: The employees themselves decide when and how long they work.

What is hybrid work

Which working model fits?

It primarily depends on the work area to decide which model suits which team. For employees who work in customer service, for example, working in their own four walls can be an advantage. In an office, finding the right quiet for telephone calls can sometimes be challenging. This is much easier in the home office. Work can also be relocated relatively quickly in the IT industry, web design, or marketing.

On the other hand, there are apparent differences regarding working hours. While it is essential in support or consulting to be available during regular business hours, this is optional in professions that involve writing texts, for example. But even that cannot be generalized. It also depends on the particular area of ​​​​responsibility. Therefore, finding the same regulation for all team members is almost impossible.

Hybrid work: These are the advantages

Flexible work locations and times offer advantages for employees and companies. Like home office or remote work, it is about balancing work and private life, employee retention, and productivity.

Work-life balance

The flexible design of the place and time of work contributes to a better balance between work and free time. For example, not having to commute to work because of rush-hour traffic saves time that can be used elsewhere. In this way, leisure activities can be better combined with professional life.


In addition, well-being increases when you work at a chosen location and can flexibly organize your time. The improved work-life balance also contributes to this. Increased well-being can reduce stress, which positively affects satisfaction.


Not only does time-saving have a positive effect on productivity. Choosing the most suitable workplace also increases productivity. For some tasks, you may need quiet to be able to concentrate. In other areas, quick exchange with others is essential. The flexible working environment design means that needs and tasks can be perfectly matched. Disruptions caused by conversations with other team members or interruptions are also minimized. So you can concentrate on a task.


Hybrid work also promotes independent work. Why is this important? In the spirit of New York, it is about thinking creatively and innovatively. This is how new ideas are encouraged. In addition, it is less severe if the manager is present because everyone still needs to learn what needs to be done.

Employee Retention

Therefore, increasing employee satisfaction is all the more critical. This also includes workplace flexibility because more and more people expect an adaptable work environment.

Possible challenges

Although this mix of different working models brings many advantages, some companies must overcome hurdles. Here, you can discover what challenges are ahead and what helps you master them.

Coordination Effort

Many companies are initially faced with the question: where do we start? Especially in the beginning, there is much work to create processes, define regulations, and make legal security. For a better overview, the representation, for example, in a mind map, helps to identify all critical points.

IT security & data protection

Of course, data security should be addressed during the preparations. In addition to being equipped with suitable hardware, VPN tunnels and project management software with a server location, such as Facto, are ideal for protecting sensitive data. It is best to use a specialist who is familiar with data protection and can advise the company.

Preserve corporate culture

In addition to all the organizational things, the team spirit must be remembered. Due to the elimination of everyday interactions, it is essential to strengthen the sense of togetherness through joint team events. Collaboration can be supported with virtual team tools.

Tips for implementation

For hybrid work to work in your team, there are a few things you should consider and define in advance.

Choose a suitable working model.

Before you start, deciding which model is suitable and feasible for your team or individual team members is essential. It depends on the corporate structure and the extent to which processes can be completed online. Can everyone provide and use the required software and hardware?

Another critical point is fixed regulations, for example, regarding the place of work: Can the employees work from anywhere, or are there (geographical) limits?

Organize the process

After deciding on the proper form, you should consider general regulations, such as how communication channels are used, which face-to-face meetings are scheduled, and who the contact person for technical problems is. Even if the daily routines are sometimes different, it is essential for the internal organization that specific processes, such as leaving sick, are the same.

Record attendances and absences

In addition, it is helpful to plan who is in the office and when. Tip: A small note in the calendar can be sufficient so everyone knows.

When determining the place and time of work, it is also essential to ensure that employees and teams with much to do with each other are compatible. This makes it easier to arrange appointments. For example, hybrid meetings can be organized if a person works remotely or in the home office. The technical conditions should be suitable, i.e., stable internet, a meeting tool, etc.

Lead your team

Since the employees are not always in the office when working hybrid or from home, the employment relationship is based on trust. Trust in employees is, therefore, a cornerstone for smooth cooperation. Since teams work more agile, reacting quickly to situations is just as important. A situational leadership style is required.

Many companies also need to be convinced about letting employees work from home. However, an awareness should be created that productivity does not have to mean sitting in front of a laptop for 8 hours—the result counts. In general, the courage to be self-employed is required.

Promote communication

Communication within the team, in particular, must be addressed in hybrid work. The following applies here: create and promote communication opportunities. Be it a virtual coffee break, regular team events, or meetings, encourage the team to stay in touch.

Another keyword here is transparency. Everyone has the same opportunities only when everyone is on the same level.

Hybrid work in practice

But how does hybrid work work in practice? It would help if you used the right tools to provide you and your team with the best possible support.

Communication Tools

As mentioned earlier, communication is one of the critical concepts that can improve team collaboration. To ensure this works smoothly, communication tools such as Slack, Wire, etc., can optimally support you in staying in contact with the team.

You can create channels for different topics and teams or exchange private messages. This is how you always reach the right people. In this course, it should also be determined via which media is to be communicated. A messenger is more suitable for short messages. With more complex topics, a meeting is sometimes easier.

Project management tools

To be able to work together on a project, everyone involved must be up to date. With a project management tool, you create transparency. On the one hand, a project is presented visually, which provides a better overview. The whole project can be mapped like this. On the other hand, all team members can access it. With a PM tool like facto, it is possible to work from anywhere and see real-time comments and status changes. Documents can also be stored in projects, packages, and tasks, eliminating the need to send emails back and forth with numerous attachments.


Regular team meetings help to stay well-prepared and organized. This can be a kick-off meeting in the morning or at noon. A meeting should not just take place but also be prepared for and followed up. Preparing helps create a common agenda. You can quickly work this out, in fact, in the focus area. You can also share the agenda with the team so that everyone can add their points.

However, the structure is also an important point during the meeting. In a hybrid meeting, it can be difficult for people connected online to follow what is being said. Therefore, the meeting should always be moderated so that questions can be clarified and everyone can have their say. Rules such as reporting a post can be helpful.

The automated meeting minutes, which record all changes to tasks and projects, are also beneficial. They ensured that even team members who weren’t there knew what was going on.

Final Thoughts

Hybrid working offers numerous advantages for companies and employees and, with the proper organization, can contribute to a positive change in working life. Due to the high flexibility, it is possible to respond to the team member’s individual needs and helps create an optimal working atmosphere.

In addition to a better work-life balance, increased productivity, and cost and time savings, employees are also happier. This protects against stress and creates an emotional connection to the company, making employees more likely to stay with one company. This is also an investment for the future.